(+852) 2376 1945 info@latavernahongkong.com

About Us

A LEGACY OF ITALIAN CUISINE - The First Original ItalianResturant in Hong Kong

A Legacy of Italian Cuisine


The First Original Italian Resturant in Hong Kong


La Taverna was conceived as an “islet of Italy away from Italy” by its founders Giuseppe and Aldo Macchetti, who opened the first of their string of restaurants in 1969. Since then La Taverna has been welcoming all those in search of authentic Italian food in a welcoming, evocative setting. The emphasis has always been on quality ingredients and a respect for the long tradition of Italian cuisine. This is inherent in the name “La Taverna” itself, which was handed down to them from their own grandmother, whose first restaurant of three in Milan bore this same moniker.


We Serve With Passion

We have a passion for great food served with a smile. We believe there is no
better sight than clean plates and happy faces. If our customers are happy,
we will always be successful.

Healthy Foods

Eating healthy does NOT have to be boring.

There is a massive amount of foods out there that are both healthy and tasty.

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